Sunday 27 December 2009

The last post of 2009 (and the noughties)...

Seeing as it's nearing the end of the year (and of a decade! It's gone so fast! I remember back to 2000 when everyone was wishing everyone a happy millennium. It's quite scary having been through a whole decade, this is my first time that I've experienced the first year of the decade, the last year of the decade and all the years inbetween. I guess older people like my parents are somewhat more used to it, but still, it's sad and a tad scary at the same time! I've had so many good memories this decade... *must end brackets now or I will ramble on and on*) I have decided to make a list of um, things (I can't think of a better word) that have happened this year. I'm sure I will forget quite a few things, then have to update my blog later on. Here goes (also, there is no chronological order to this, that would make things too confusing ('tis the holidays)).

- Became a little bit more nerdy seeing as I have now seen Star Wars and become a fan of it (I love it! I want chopsabers!) and also become a fan of Discworld (I love it! I've started reading my tenth book). Also reread Lord of the Rings and become a little bit obsessed with it (I love it!). Tried to get into Star Trek and completely failed (I don't love it. :( Hey, too much nerdiness would not be good!).
- Seen some movies at the cinema, none of which have managed to make it onto my favourite movies list. These movies would be: Let the Right One In, Star Trek, Harry Potter 6, District 9 and St. Trinians 2. Although I'm pretty sure I've left one off. I'll add it on if I remember.
- Alternatively, seen some movies not at the cinema and quite a few have been added to my favourite movies list. Blade Runner and The Fifth Element are two of the main ones. and I re-saw Labyrinth! and then I bought the soundtrack.
- Which reminds me, music this year, I bought a load of CDs at the start of the year and almost none at the end. I've been getting into stuff that isn't classic rock, thanks to, mainly 80s pop and old-school goth. and I reallllly want to buy some Blue Öyster Cult.
- Been to the Japanese restaurant with the conveyor belts that I have been meaning to go to for so long. Bought some Pockys! ("Men's Pockys". Which are just dark chocolate versions of the original things).
- Discovered some very addictive websites, namely darkroastedblend (link in the sidebar) and (link NOT in the sidebar). I'm pretty sure I discovered listverse last year, however this year I have learnt a lot of stuff off of that website.
- Discovered a love for lumberjack shirts. They're just so warm and baggy and comfortable.
- Received a dinosaur ice cube mould from Zoë for Christmas. It is a T-Rex skeleton and it is awesome (I've already used it once, even though it is winter). I am going to use it a lot in the summer. (on a side note, discovered the song "Godzilla" by Blue Öyster Cult, much love!)
- Had some really really odd late night conversations, thank goodness I don't have them anymore. :D (and now have random in jokes... gahhh).
- We ♥ Katamari! Awesome game, except when I last tried to play on it it didn't load, though I have a feeling this is to do with the laser within the Playstation because the disc isn't scratched... and the laser can be cleaned easily... please let it be the laser...
- Drunken shenanigans at Zoë's house (let's forget about those now shall we...)
- Table tennis rage. Ahh I do miss our table tennis sessions.
- The New York art trip.
- Going into charity shops and going through all the old records and looking for funny covers.
- Meeting new people and making new friends.
- Getting good grades in my GCSEs. and being happy that they were over.

That's the main stuff I can think of for now.

Oh, I guess I should mention what I got for Christmas:

- The Silmarillion (yays!) but no Discworld. :(
- One of those foil things you scratch to make a picture (it's black and you scratch it to get to the shiny foil part... you know what I mean).
- A scarf
- Professor Layton and Pandora's Box
- A Topshop voucher
- Pens
- Some Revels
- and the obligatory socks

and a whole load of stationary in my stocking. Also watched The Nightmare Before Christmas on Christmas Eve since I hadn't seen it in ages; it's so fun.

I am going to miss the noughties (that's such a silly name for a decade, but I guess there's not much else) and I have too many memories to list here for all ten years of it. I wish you could hug years goodbye, it's a bit of an abstract thought but hey. That's not really odd though for me, I usually want to hug something.

Anyway, bring on 2010! and the next decade! (whatever it ends up being called).

(Next decade: Totally looking forward to The Hobbit movie! Although that's two years away yet (part 1 anyway). Plenty of time to re-read the book.)

(Totally random but have found out that there are "light swords" for the Wii that you can use with the Wii Lego Star Wars game... I know what game I want next.)

Friday 25 December 2009

It's that time of year again!