Decided to write this blog now and not tonight because I am planning to have a really early night tonight, because of
stupid French orals. They depress me. Them and the
23894270 exams that we have to take in less than a month. Because of these I was feeling a bit down during my party (also due to the fact that my party
failed quite a bit. Explained below). I think everyone was to be honest. But I'll tell you about my party.
Imogen, Zoe, Lily, Jess and Hannah arrived at my house fine. Livvi managed somehow to get slightly lost, but then that's Livvi for you. I mainly got CDs as presents (including a mix tape from Zoe that was a surprise and I had to guess the artists) but Imogen got me a book and series 2 of the IT Crowd (yays!). For supper we all had pizza and Livvi just
*had* to reference Alice Cooper (
Feed My Frankenstein if you're wondering/not a big fan). We then headed off to the bus stop to catch a bus to the bowling alley. The bus was late (first fail of the evening) and when it did come it only took us part way there because there had been an accident on the bridge (second fail). We then decided to walk the rest of the way along the river. Since Zoe, Lily and I walk faster than the rest we went on ahead (also Jess was jetlagged and walked slower). This made the two groups of people get pissy at one another (third fail). Also because the bus was late/we had to walk Divya ended up waiting for an hour at the alley (fourth fail). We eventually all got there and started bowling, but Jess had to leave because she felt ill. And we bowled, that was alright. Then Livvi challenged Imogen to a game of air hockey and Livvi won both games, then she challenged Lily and Livs won again. Divya bought some candy floss and we all had a bit. After saying goodbye to Imogen and Divya the rest of us headed home. When we got home we all headed up to my room, and then Zoe decided that she wanted to be a tiger (as she had seen my fat felt tip pens) and I said I had face paint, so we ended up all painting our faces. Zoe a tiger, Lily a lizard, Livvi a bear (and she stole the rat ears I had for book day), Hannah a giraffe and I a
carnivorous goth panda. We then went downstairs and played on We ♥ Katamari, then had a midnight feast (at 0:50) consisting of brownie and doritos. Livvi is convinced that doritos go well with brownie, but they don't, but then again Livvi has weird taste in
everything. Then we watched Labyrinth, because I had got it out. Zoe said she would go insane if she watched it, because she tried to watch it before but turned it off after a while. She ended up liking it after watching all of it. Anyway, I forgot how much I
love Labyrinth, I haven't seen it in seven years. But I love the sets! So much! It makes me
hate CGI even more, just watching old kids movies from the 80s that use puppetry/animatronics and sets instead of stupid CGI. I had two favourite scenes: the ball room one (which I remember
really liking when I was 9), it is just so pretty and dreamlike and aaaaaahhh, and the other scene which I liked was the one near the end with the crazy room and stairs/doorways everywhere and Jareth singing (I also remembered this scene from when I was 9). I want my house to look like that, and for me to have magical powers so I never fell off the walls/stairs etc. The one thing I hated about the movie was that whiney teenager Sarah. Nyaaah. But Jareth is badass and we love him. The movie kept jamming in places due to scratches on the disc (what is this? Fifth fail?). Then we all went to sleep. Woke up the next morning, had breakfast, people left yada yada.
Then I had to do some French revision. I keep listening to The Cult's
Love album over and over again whilst doing French. It's just because I needed music that I knew really well (if I listen to my new music I will concentrate waaaay too hard on the music instead of the French) and that is not too distracting. I am also tired. Hungry. Stressed. Depressed. Arrgh. Best to end the blog I think.
(Also I just realised I have used rather a lot of text effects in this blog, I don't know why).