Tuesday, 28 April 2009


Now I'm not really a fan of anime, yes I watched Pokemon, Digimon and Cardcaptors when I was little but that was because it was on TV when I got home from school. I've never really seen why everyone has become obsessed with Japan, trying to watch as many animes as possible, trying to learn the language and learning 101 different facts about the culture. That aside, I have just watched the first episode of Hellsing. Reason? I thought Alucard looked totally badass in a picture I saw and I just *had* to see what it was like. I thought it was pretty good, much much better than Wolf's Rain (the only other anime I have tried watching). I mean it's got vampires, zombies, blood and a badass/kickass... (kibadass?? um yeah.) main character. Who wears a cape/long coat and has a hat. WIN! Basically everything he does is crazy cool. I've only seen the first episode so I can't say if it's good or bad the whole way through, but I recommend it to anyone, even if you aren't into anime like me. Apparently if you've read the manga it doesn't stick that well. But I haven't read the manga so who cares?

Anyway other things...
  • I have literally no ideas for art, all this revising leaves me incredibly uncreative.
  • Whilst listening to the NIN album that Zoe gave me I drew some crazy rainbow shit. Maybe they make me creative.
  • I have found out that with my new headphones (well they're not really new, had them since Christmas) that I can hear the bass really well when I listen to my Zen. It's a bit crazy really.
  • The bloody art shop has overpriced canvases. I went in there today thinking that the canvas would be £15 at the most, brought along a couple of spare quid in case, but no, it is £20! Getting up early to get the train FOR NOTHING. Have to do it again tomorrow. I hate the train.
  • The fact that I didn't get my canvas made me extremely pissed off and I am rather angry now (still!) hence the lack of ideas for a blog. But Hellsing was cool.
  • I thought I had got over my new FOTN CD obsession but noooo, it just has to play on my Zen on the way back home and MAKE ME LISTEN TO IT AGAIN AT HOME! I love it so much. And their hats.
  • Hats are awesome.

Saturday, 25 April 2009

*cactus hat update for Livvi*

Well now it just looks weird. Like there is a sheriff cactus on top of your hat. Or a cowboy cactus is sliding down a slope on a plate.

Friday, 24 April 2009

This week went by pretty quick.

It is a bit insane. Time can be very scary. It goes quick when the GCSEs are coming. Go slower in the future please. I also apologise to all for the last blog post, was just getting back at Livs.

I looooove my new Fields of the Nephilim album (The Nephilim); it is beautiful and I love the guitar riffs. I am now ripping all my albums, it is working now. I love saying the word Nephilim too. Livvi likes saying FOTN in real life pronuncing it "faurtern" which is silly and disrespctful. I now want to make a list of acronymable bands. I have FOTN, RATM, QOTSA, NIN, SOM and AIC and then my head stops working. Then random ones pop up like "ASF"! and "AAR"!

Livvi wants a FOTNtopcacti hat. I have no bloody idea why. Maybe to poke people with. Like headbutting. Like Spyro! *reminisces* I loved that game. Or maybe they should have hats like this for people like Livvi.

(yes, I did make this picture, yes, I do have way too much spare time on my hands.) I did not include any FOTN hats in the picture as this would be disrespectful towards their hats. :D

Wednesday, 22 April 2009

Now the time has come...

...to upload all my new albums that I got for my birthday. Nine in all (two were mix tapes from Zoe). The Doors is currently uploading. Yes I did listen to (most of it) Livvi! Happy now? Except I listened to it just after I listened to AIC's Facelift and so was in the mood for metal. So it didn't really go well. The Doors are just too soft.

Anyway about today. Yes today was eventful. I found out that Livvi wanted to dig up Jim Morrison and is into necrophilia . I thought this was very disrepectful. She didn't. She also wants me to have Kurt Cobain as a footstall. Otherwise he will hide in curtains and is out to get me. Kurt Cobain doesn't look like that type of person. Verrry disrepectful Livs. and then Zoe was like "I love the Heart Shaped Box video!" and then I went "I thought it creeped you out?" and she then says that she actually likes it. Then I just go and *mention* Soundgarden's Black Hole Sun video and oh this sets Livvi off. "OMGIKNOWYOUHAVEABIGCRUSHONCHRISCORNELLESPECIALLYWITHHISLONGHAIRETCETC". (I don't actually but hey. This is what goes on inside Livvis head. She warps things. She then decided to mock me the rest of the day). I then quickly escaped to English, which as usual was very funny since our English teacher likes to make jokes. A lot of them are so awful, which is why they are funny. (Bah, Doors isn't uploading. I will try AIC instead. I like Facelift!)

At lunch time I managed to finish my CD booklet and it looks pretty damn cool I think. It doesn't have any text in it though so it does look a little odd. But I'm happy with it. I then went back to the form room and showed people my booklet and they liked it. Then sat down with Jess and Livvi with Zoe nearby doing her art. Livvi and Jess decided it would be a good idea to attack me with a hug. A very scary hug. :( Then we discussed what bands we didn't like. They then decided that it would be a good idea to make up that I had some major crush on Gary Lightbody. Arrgh. :(

(Screw the computer, it doesn't want to upload AIC either. I will give up for tonight.)

Sunday, 19 April 2009

Damn Depressed...

Decided to write this blog now and not tonight because I am planning to have a really early night tonight, because of stupid French orals. They depress me. Them and the 23894270 exams that we have to take in less than a month. Because of these I was feeling a bit down during my party (also due to the fact that my party failed quite a bit. Explained below). I think everyone was to be honest. But I'll tell you about my party.

Imogen, Zoe, Lily, Jess and Hannah arrived at my house fine. Livvi managed somehow to get slightly lost, but then that's Livvi for you. I mainly got CDs as presents (including a mix tape from Zoe that was a surprise and I had to guess the artists) but Imogen got me a book and series 2 of the IT Crowd (yays!). For supper we all had pizza and Livvi just *had* to reference Alice Cooper (Feed My Frankenstein if you're wondering/not a big fan). We then headed off to the bus stop to catch a bus to the bowling alley. The bus was late (first fail of the evening) and when it did come it only took us part way there because there had been an accident on the bridge (second fail). We then decided to walk the rest of the way along the river. Since Zoe, Lily and I walk faster than the rest we went on ahead (also Jess was jetlagged and walked slower). This made the two groups of people get pissy at one another (third fail). Also because the bus was late/we had to walk Divya ended up waiting for an hour at the alley (fourth fail). We eventually all got there and started bowling, but Jess had to leave because she felt ill. And we bowled, that was alright. Then Livvi challenged Imogen to a game of air hockey and Livvi won both games, then she challenged Lily and Livs won again. Divya bought some candy floss and we all had a bit. After saying goodbye to Imogen and Divya the rest of us headed home. When we got home we all headed up to my room, and then Zoe decided that she wanted to be a tiger (as she had seen my fat felt tip pens) and I said I had face paint, so we ended up all painting our faces. Zoe a tiger, Lily a lizard, Livvi a bear (and she stole the rat ears I had for book day), Hannah a giraffe and I a carnivorous goth panda. We then went downstairs and played on We ♥ Katamari, then had a midnight feast (at 0:50) consisting of brownie and doritos. Livvi is convinced that doritos go well with brownie, but they don't, but then again Livvi has weird taste in everything. Then we watched Labyrinth, because I had got it out. Zoe said she would go insane if she watched it, because she tried to watch it before but turned it off after a while. She ended up liking it after watching all of it. Anyway, I forgot how much I love Labyrinth, I haven't seen it in seven years. But I love the sets! So much! It makes me hate CGI even more, just watching old kids movies from the 80s that use puppetry/animatronics and sets instead of stupid CGI. I had two favourite scenes: the ball room one (which I remember really liking when I was 9), it is just so pretty and dreamlike and aaaaaahhh, and the other scene which I liked was the one near the end with the crazy room and stairs/doorways everywhere and Jareth singing (I also remembered this scene from when I was 9). I want my house to look like that, and for me to have magical powers so I never fell off the walls/stairs etc. The one thing I hated about the movie was that whiney teenager Sarah. Nyaaah. But Jareth is badass and we love him. The movie kept jamming in places due to scratches on the disc (what is this? Fifth fail?). Then we all went to sleep. Woke up the next morning, had breakfast, people left yada yada.

Then I had to do some French revision. I keep listening to The Cult's Love album over and over again whilst doing French. It's just because I needed music that I knew really well (if I listen to my new music I will concentrate waaaay too hard on the music instead of the French) and that is not too distracting. I am also tired. Hungry. Stressed. Depressed. Arrgh. Best to end the blog I think.

(Also I just realised I have used rather a lot of text effects in this blog, I don't know why).

Friday, 17 April 2009

50th blog post!

*pulls a party popper and little bits of coloured paper fly everywhere*

I don't really have much to say. I just wanted to blog tonight seeing as my sleepover is tomorrow. I am excited. Today I tidied my room and I can actually now move around in it. I am also rather hungry now. I had breakfast at lunch time. This is because I stayed up late having a rhyme war with Livvi. She may post it on her blog. Tonight I am having an early night. I am tired. These sentences are short. Last night I played on Devil May Cry for the first time this year. It features in our rhyme war. This blog is going nowhere.


Thursday, 16 April 2009

Today is my birthday!

and the 49th blog post. Stupid blog, why couldn't you be the 50th blog post? *kicks*

Anyway, today is my birthday and at the moment I am incredibly happy and therefore hyper and so this blog may not make much sense. I woke up around midday (this is why I should not stay up talking to you Livvi about crazy shit!) and stumbled out of bed. I had breakfast at around the time I should have had lunch, and opened a card from my family (my Mum and siblings are off on some Christian camp thing so they weren't here to celebrate. and Dad was at work). I then went to the door and collected the post. My presents hadn't arrived yet but I got some birthday cards from other members of my family, which made me smile and get really happy. I then did some French revision but got totally distracted by Facebook. Today I have recieved about 20 messages from various people which made me smile and get even happier. I don't think I've ever been so happy/appreciative on my birthday for some odd reason. My CDs didn't arrive though.

In the evening I went to the cinema and saw 'Let The Right One In', which was fairly good, and I actually enjoyed it considering I dislike romance movies. But it isn't all romance, since it involves a young girl vampire (Eli) (this movie is nothing like Twilight, it was wayyyy better) befriending a boy (Oskar) who gets beaten up by bullies. Eli has to kill people to stay alive (obvs) and it is basically about her life and the relationship with Oskar. and it's Swedish, so lots of lovely subtitles to read. The cinematography was good as well.

After the cinema I went to a Japanese restaurant that had a conveyor belt. It was made of win. I didn't really have a clue what Japanese food tasted like, as previously I had only tried some sushi and some gyozas. Off the conveyor belt I had some sushi-type stuff for starters. I then ordered teriyaki duck for a main course (it was delicious) and then stole some chocolate mousse in a chocolate cup off the conveyor belt. In all it was a very good meal. I then bought some Pockys (for men. That's the dark chocolate kind if you're wondering) which are nice.

In all it has been a very good and happy day and I am looking forward to Saturday and my party. Bowling and Labyrinth (hopefully)! *excited*

Wednesday, 15 April 2009

I have a phobia of yellow-walled rooms.

It is my birthday tomorrow. Except it doesn't feel like tomorrow because today feels like yesterday because I am staying up late. *way to confuse all your blog readers*. aaaaannndddd my mum and siblings are away on some Christian camp for autistic children. So yeah. It's only gonna be me and my dad celebrating my birthday. We are planning to go to a Japanese restaurant (JUST because it has a conveyor belt. I don't even know if I like Japanese food, I just want the conveyor belt) and then I might go and see a movie afterwards. Not really any movies I want to see, but I guess "Let The Right One In" sounds alright. It's some Swedish gothic vampire film so I might see that. I like foreign movies. Maybe I just like reading subtitles. I love Guillermo Del Toro's work so I am really glad that he is going to direct The Hobbit. It will be a different style from LOTR obviously but I am looking forward to it. Peter Jackson was fantastic and he is producing The Hobbit, so I hope that the style of the films will not be too different from one another.

Today (I should really say yesterday shouldn't I?) I discovered that I like The Who a lot more than once previously thought. I had stole my Dad's Who's greatest hits album and gave it a listen. One thing that annoyed me was the fact that I couldn't get the little CD booklet out since the album had been in the Clio when it went up in flames and the CD case got all wet because of the firefighters. Now the booklet is stuck in! But yeah, mainly listened to the first album. Gotta love Boris the Spideeeeer. I hate big spiders. Especially house spiders. Both types. The fat types and the spindly types. Small spiders and tarantuals are alright. But not poisonous ones. There are loads of spiders at the windmill. Or there used to be. We vacuumed them all up. I also dislike the toilet on the second floor of our windmill because the walls are yellow and I hate rooms with yellow walls. I don't know why. Especially if they are large and without windows/furniture. Thankfully the toilet has a window and is a small room so it doesn't matter so much. At our windmill there is a huge stack of Men's Health magazines for some reason in the room that is next to the one that I sleep in. And the room smells funny and has a dirty dusty blazer on the back of the door. But I prefer this room to the one I usually sleep in. I think because it is smaller and has more windows. Damn I am rambling. Hope you don't mind.

Also had a really weird dream last night before MUM WOKE ME UP grrrr. It involved me having two phones, my current one and an old red one (it looked like a really new phone apart from the screen, which was b&w). My current one had a little slot/drive that you could insert something in. Jess managed to break it. There was a supermarket nearby so I went inside and went to the phone section. I got distracted by the games section, so went to a TV. You could play Fable 2 on it (obviously it wasn't actually F2 because nothing is ever right in my dreams). To play you had to use some weird pad or you could just touch the TV screen. No Xbox required! Then some woman chased me and my sister asking us to buy stuff. I ran on all fours. My hands were now paws. I was slowly turning into a dog. (I love the randomness of my dreams sometimes). I then went to the checkout where mum was and started wrapping up presents for my Aunt Liz using two sheets of wrapping paper. Green and gold/red paper. Then a song came on in my head (like an MP3 in your head! no one else could hear it!) and it was apparently a live version of She Sells Sanctuary (obviously not, it was some made up song but did sound rather Cult-ish) and it was really quite yummy. Wish it existed in real life! and then the woman started coming to us again and then mum woke me up. grr.

I really enjoy reading other people's dreams, especially if they are as crazy as mine. I think this may be my longest blog post yet. I think I may stop because my arm is hurting.

Monday, 13 April 2009

I want to lie shipwrecked and comatose drinking fresh mango juice...

Well I have just seen the last ep of the new Red Dwarf series (I saw the later one as I was watching Jumanji earlier. Which was a good movie. Animatronics and puppetry ftw! Screw CGI!) and I think it picked up a bit in this episode. I didn't really like the last two; thought they were a bit shit to be honest. At least this episode got a couple of laughs from me. I am now watching the adverts on Dave (fucking wii animal crossing, who wants that boring game? (yes I know I own the DS version, but I never play on it. heck I don't really play on my DS at all any more)) waiting for old RD eps. Wait the ads are over! Yaaaay!

Also today I realised that only my Dad is going to be here for my birthday since my Mum and siblings are going off (omg Rimmer just did the horns. rock on) to somewhere for some holiday thing. So me and Dad are thinking of going to a Chinese restaurant (my fav!) and then watching a movie afterwards. Or maybe we will go to that Japanese restaurant with the CONVEYER BELT!! and then watch a movie. Except there aren't any movies I want to see that are on in the cinema. I want to see Blade Runner now, because they were talking about it on the Red Dwarf behind the scenes. I have also read the book (Do Anroids Dream Of Electric Sheep?) which is damn good. And I just like sci-fi/action in general.

Friday, 10 April 2009

The usefulness of my blog...

According to Livvi, my blog 'is useful'. I hate to think what for. Maybe there are scientists out there compiling my thoughts and analysing them and using them to create some super weapon that I can use to stop the alien invasion next month. Speaking of aliens, I have my evening planned. 5 hours of Red Dwarf on Dave (9:00pm-2:00am). Fun! I have read all four RD books and seen the first 4 episodes of the first series, after which I kind of stopped watching for no apparent reason! This is what happened with the X-Files! I will finish it! Except there is more RD tomorrow and Sunday so I cannot watch. Sorry Mulder and Scully. I have no idea when you will be watched again.

At the moment I am in a evil/crazy/dancey Fia mood, but I am thinking the evil/crazy part is wearing off slightly. But I have The Who's My Generation in my head which I dance to. Yes you can dance to classic rock music. Crazy dancing. It's all Ian Astbury's fault. Making me want to dance to crazy rock music (see Wild Hearted Son video to see what I'm on about). *talking about my geneeeratiooon*

Less than a week until my birthday dammit! Go away 16th of April! Go awaaaay please!

Wednesday, 8 April 2009

Back from the building with circular walls.

I am back from Somerset! (again). This time it was all sunny and nice and I tried to revise but kept getting distracted by the view from our windmill. The view + sunny weather = very very pretty. I went to Glastonbury whilst I was there and walked down the high street, but didn't go in any of the shops because they were those weird 'magic' type shops that sell odd things. Then I walked up to Glastonbury Tor, but the weather wasn't that great on that day so it spoilt the view a bit.

I have a headache at the moment (probably from listening to too much music...) and I don't know what to blog about....

....8 days until my birthday!

Wednesday, 1 April 2009

3 important points.

1. It is April Fools day today, but you knew that already. Our English teacher tried to fool us into thinking we were going to have new purple and pink uniform, and that was why all the teachers were wearing these colours. Sadly it was 12:15 at the time so it didn't count. 15 minutes late *shakes head*. I also like the date today: 01/04/09 because they are consecutive square numbers. It made me so happy!! (I had also just forgotten the word consecutive and was trying to remember it for about 5 minutes. All the other c maths words went into my head, continuous, cumulative etc... and when I finally did remember it I jumped in my seat >_< )

2. I am 16 in 16 days. It is a scary thought.

3. In the canteen today there was 'Chicken Joe's'. There was some random guy in the canteen making chicken tortilla wraps. I had barbecue flavour; it was tasty. Apparently they might be doing 'Chicken Joe's' once a week from now on, to which Suzy exclaimed: "that'll be the best week of the week!". Then realised what she had just said.