Wednesday, 22 April 2009

Now the time has come... upload all my new albums that I got for my birthday. Nine in all (two were mix tapes from Zoe). The Doors is currently uploading. Yes I did listen to (most of it) Livvi! Happy now? Except I listened to it just after I listened to AIC's Facelift and so was in the mood for metal. So it didn't really go well. The Doors are just too soft.

Anyway about today. Yes today was eventful. I found out that Livvi wanted to dig up Jim Morrison and is into necrophilia . I thought this was very disrepectful. She didn't. She also wants me to have Kurt Cobain as a footstall. Otherwise he will hide in curtains and is out to get me. Kurt Cobain doesn't look like that type of person. Verrry disrepectful Livs. and then Zoe was like "I love the Heart Shaped Box video!" and then I went "I thought it creeped you out?" and she then says that she actually likes it. Then I just go and *mention* Soundgarden's Black Hole Sun video and oh this sets Livvi off. "OMGIKNOWYOUHAVEABIGCRUSHONCHRISCORNELLESPECIALLYWITHHISLONGHAIRETCETC". (I don't actually but hey. This is what goes on inside Livvis head. She warps things. She then decided to mock me the rest of the day). I then quickly escaped to English, which as usual was very funny since our English teacher likes to make jokes. A lot of them are so awful, which is why they are funny. (Bah, Doors isn't uploading. I will try AIC instead. I like Facelift!)

At lunch time I managed to finish my CD booklet and it looks pretty damn cool I think. It doesn't have any text in it though so it does look a little odd. But I'm happy with it. I then went back to the form room and showed people my booklet and they liked it. Then sat down with Jess and Livvi with Zoe nearby doing her art. Livvi and Jess decided it would be a good idea to attack me with a hug. A very scary hug. :( Then we discussed what bands we didn't like. They then decided that it would be a good idea to make up that I had some major crush on Gary Lightbody. Arrgh. :(

(Screw the computer, it doesn't want to upload AIC either. I will give up for tonight.)

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