Thursday, 10 September 2009

Tetris Pieces and Cake Friday

Well I've had four full days of sixth form so far and I am exhausted. I even tried to nap today but failed. This was mainly due to me still trying to solve a puzzle in my head that we were doing in tutorial. In our tutorial program at the moment we are doing mathematical reasoning and we got one of those confusing maths puzzles. This one was where there was a 4x4 grid and each square was a different colour, with the one where the treasure was being gold. There were certain clues as to where certain colours were in relation to another. To work this out I saw which colours I could map out, and then tried to fit them together. At this point they turned into Tetris pieces in my head, which made it easier for some reason. By the end of the half hour the Tetris pieces had become slightly angry and more evil. I have now figured out the solution (I got distracted from my maths homework. I also got excited when I realised I had a whole sheet of maths homework. (This probably Miss K's fault; she taught me maths the last two years and is so enthusiastic about it.) This is completely different from year 7 where I hated maths and got 49% in my end of year test) and the Tetris pieces are happy.

One thing that I have managed to annoy myself with is the fact that I use my blue/turquoise folder for psychology and purple folder for maths. It should be the other way round seeing as psychology is a Purple subject and maths is a Blue subject (they are on my timetables). Although if I switched them around I would get confused. Maybe they should just stay that way round.

Tomorrow in our psychology lessons it is cake Friday! Although we haven't yet devised the cake rota so I don't know if there will actually be any cake (I will obviously be making brownie when it is my turn). I actually quite like Friday. Psychology, Art and PE (where there will soon be squash rage! I actually hate sport, it's just now we can sort of mess about (or so I'm hoping)).

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