Saturday, 24 April 2010

Birthday party!

I had some friends round my house today for my birthday party and we ate pizza, cake and brownie. I recieved the Star Wars Original Trilogy, a Serenity graphic novel and the third (signed! to me!) Sandman volume (Dream Country). They're now all in my room and my room feels a whole lot nerdier (I wish my mum would let me stick up posters in my room. She hates blu-tack on the walls. I'm not even sure what I would have a poster of. I just want a poster). Doesn't help that my friends and I were discussing nerdy stuff and then after they left I watched the new Doctor Who episode (I can't wait for next week) so I am in a rather nerdy mood at the moment. I am also looking forward to Frankie's fanfiction on Percy Weasley where he dresses in leather and quotes muggle movies.

I've also decided I should probably start using Twitter properly (at the moment most (pretty much all) of the people I follow I know in real life and I tweet about once a month). Although I know this will probably never happen.

Also - we're already halfway through series three of Ashes to Ashes! How could it go by so quick? It's so good.

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