Anyway, 'twas our school's book day today and my form decided to dress up as various characters from Harry Potter. I was Scabbers, seeing as I already had the costume for Imogen's birthday party (I had the ears, tail, hands (front paws!) and the nose. (Which mainly just hung round my neck looking like some torture device because I didn't like wearing it)). Sadly we did not win the costume competition, our house only came 2nd. But we did backcomb Divya's hair (she was Hagrid) so that she looked like someone out of the 80s... except the clothes weren't 80s...)
The rest of the day was pretty fun. Livvi was Neville and had brought along a dead potted plant. She has now seemingly fallen in love with aforementioned dead pot plant (nicknamed Droopy), going to "hang out with it" and stroking it's leaves. I tried to steal the plant to rescue her from this crazy notion (I was actually just feeling damn evil and in a stealing mood). I even created a picture:

She also thinks that me swearing at her is 'cute'. That was not the desired effect dammit!
We also argued over who we thought was hot (since on Saturday evening/very early Sunday morning I had been perving on Duff McKagan in Velvet Revolver videos, and now Livvi has dubbed me 'pervy Fia'. Like an alter ego. I think I should have names for all my alter egos. Like rocker Fia, last minute homeworker Fia and let's mock Livvi Fia) and she doesn't think Duff is hot. She does however think that Clint Eastwood is hot, who is old enough to be her grandfather. Even Zoë agrees with me on Duff's hotness Livvi. Who agrees with you on Clint's hotness? Huh?
I have just realised how damn evil I have been to Livvi today. I blame it on the rat ears.
Actually I am usually evil to her. I'm sure she has gotten used to it.