Saturday, 28 March 2009

The Invasion of the Charity Shops

Today me, Livvi, Jess and Hannah met up (Lily couldn't come due to her mum wanting her to revise) and we went round all the charity shops. My hometown literally has 83208 charity shops and 23750 cafes. But it is fun going around all the shops. According to Jess, my charity shops are actually of good quality and she found a few dresses which she bought. Hannah bought a couple of tops (one of which she thought made her look like a clown) and some earrings. In one of the shops there was some weird flower cardigan that actually looked quite good on Hannah in a really odd way, but she didn't buy it. Also the Alice Cooper LP has gone from Cancer Research UK! Afterwards we all went to a cafe and had a bite to eat (since I wasn't hungry. But I am very hungry now). Also, in one of the shops they were playing Taylor Swift's Love Story. I have only heard that song once before but I hate it so much. I have never done that with a song before. gah.

I have now discovered a love for Sisters of Mercy (thank you!) - I really want to buy Floodland when I next get money. They are so cool and they have a drum machine which in my opinion is WIN. They are also playing Muse on the radio at the moment who I hate. The clocks have now gone forward and it is apparently midnight. Silly farmers.

I am also getting a Dead Messenger CD (they are my cousin's band). He is sending it over from Canada. I am excited!

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