Saturday, 7 March 2009


Last night I went round to a Zoë's house with Hannah, Jess and Livvi. I got completely wasted for the first time in my life. A lot of vomiting was involved afterwards.

Basically we were having a Casanova party where we watched Casanova (the BBC series not the film). We discovered that Pimm's on vanilla ice cream is actually rather nice. One should try it sometime. Afterwards we watched Blackpool (by which I was rather tipsy) and I saw the "singy sex" which was weird. I keep on drinking and then suddenly I am completely drunk and headbanging and air guitaring to Deep Purple which suddenly came out of nowhere, played for two songs and then disappeared. Probably better that they turned it off than left it on to be honest. Later on the Princess Bride suddenly appeared on the television and I was on the sofa. I could have sworn that PB was skipping. I was also yelling out for Buttercup to appear since she wasn't there but Westley and Inigo were. It distressed me. I also swear a heck of a lot when drunk. I am also extrovert when drunk instead of introvert.

Later on it was dark and the vomiting stage began. It was only me and Livvi who had reached this stage. Jess and Hannah had been sensible and not drunken much; and Zoë drinks loads anyway and so has built up a high tolerance. I am very grateful for Jess and Hannah because they were up looking after me and Livvi and *hugs* for them for being such great people.

I'm sure you don't want the yucky details of the vomit...

Anyway today me and Livvi were in total zombie state. And we had to go to guitar in Kingston. Once we had got to Kingston we both felt that we were in some dream. A huge mobile phone with arms and legs waving at everyone did not help. But now I am some weird state where I just want to listen to music and sing and dance a bit. I cannot dance since the laptop is on my lap. I cannot sing because I don't know the song that well (listening to - Sisters of Mercy!). But I am listening to music ;)

I have a serious music addiction. :)

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