Well this weekend I spent down at Somerset, at our windmill. Friday we arrived really late and I was half sleeping in the car (which I haven't done in years. Literally).
Saturday was my Dad's birthday so in the evening my parents went out for dinner and my siblings and I had random food. By which I mean they had pasta and I had Peking duck and pancakes (yay!). Before they went out we had my Dad's birthday cake (because they would arrive back late otherwise) which was carrot cake and my Mum had put little chocolate letters on top spelling out "Happy Birthday Henry" which I thought was cute. I didn't really think that the chocolate letters and the carrot cake went together though. I also hadn't had carrot cake in ages. Which reminds me that I haven't had lemon cake in ages, and I adore lemon cake. I also want some lemonade. I don't know why I'm thinking of this; I've just had dinner. Anyhow, my sister and I turned on the TV after my parents had gone, only to find there was no sound. I tried to fix it, but to no avail. We ended up half watching Austin Powers in Goldmember in silence. I say half watching because I was also reading a book. By this point I had already re-read Do Androids Dream Of Electric Sheep?, which I adore to pieces and reminds me that I need to see Blade Runner. I had then started reading Brave New World which my Dad had found on the shelf which I hadn't read before. I also took some pictures of a spider. Here is Boris:

I think he was sunbathing because he didn't move. He was small and cute unlike some fat black spider I saw which was ewwy.
Anyhow on Sunday we went for a walk. It was rather hot as well. In the evening we had a Chinese take away for dinner (yayyyys again). Whilst eating this take away we were all watching Night At The Museum as it was on television. I thought it would be one of those stupid kid's movies but I actually found it quite entertaining.
Today my Dad's friend James came round. My Dad has known James since they were little. We had lunch and went for a short walk and flew a kite. On the walk we pass through a forest.
Then James took Dad and I back home. I now need to catch up on Ashes to Ashes since I am two episodes behind, but first have some pictures of the view from our
And one of the windmill, with some nice clouds:
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