I guess I'll just have to distract myself with cult television shows. Ah - haven't told you yet. Whenever I go on the computer I mess around, and I got increasingly frustrated with myself for this. I then decided it would be a good idea to watch some TV shows. Good old cult TV shows. So Thursday evening I decided to check out the Twilight Zone. No, not the revivals. The original one that started airing in 1959. So it is all B&W! Which is cute. They were pretty cool. Then yesterday I decided to watch the pilot of Twin Peaks - since it was an hour and a half in length. I like the theme tune - all deep and bass-y and atmospheric. It was very good but near the end I started to get tired and therefore bored. Thankfully the rest of the series is normal length episodes. But I know who killed Laura Palmer because about a year ago I was reading some forums and some stupid bastard didn't put spoiler tags on it (I'm pretty sure I've already told you this. I probably tell you a lot of things again). I might just have to watch the original Star Trek as well, but this is Livvi's fault for talking about it and making me interested. Also because I saw the film I guess. But I think I'll finish the first series of Twin Peaks first, since it is only 8 episodes long. But the fact that I want to watch ST makes me feel like I'm going to turn into some super nerd that will take over the world. A sci-fi nerd. Since I don't do much else nerdy. I just like reading sci-fi novels and watching sci-fi films/TV shows. and I doubt any nerd listens to classic rock. They all listen to obscure math rock.
In other news, new Doctor Who assistant has been unveiled - Karen Gillan! The character doesn't have a name yet though.

I think she's pretty. This is the only pic I've seen though. Apparently she is also a good actress. It'll be interesting come series 5 with new Doctor AND assistant. But we'll all miss Tennant.
Maybe I should watch some old Doctor Who? With creepy candymen monsters?

I apologise if you get nightmares.
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