Sunday 12 July 2009

Bits & Bobs

I haven't updated for a week and so I have a lot to tell you. But first: my blog's very first poll:

Last Sunday we (Hannah, Jess, Livvi and I) went to the park for a picnic and hung out in a tree like wild nature children. I heard the crazy stories that Jess and Livvi had made up which included Andy Murray and tennis rackets made of evil and cows and kidnapping and making out. I have such wonderfully normal friends. I will talk about the picnic since people actually understand picnics. Hannah brought along chicken legs and sandwiches and homemade shortbread which was nice. Jess brought along homemade gingerbread which was also nice. I brought along homemade brownie which obviously was fantastic. and Livvi just failed. She brought along non homemade stuff. There was other food too. After having our picnic we went to some trees and Jess decided it would be a good idea to get stuck up one for twenty minutes (it was more like ten, but we like to exaggerate). Afterwards we looked for a better tree to climb and I knew of one so we got up that one and read Pride and Prejudice and Zombies. We also phoned up friends and asked questions. Hmm, I guess that was last Sunday.

Then onto Monday. This was the first day of my work experience (at a graphic design place - AD Creative Consultants) and so I woke up at 7:30 (later than I have to for school) and was at the train station by 8:35 ish. What made me smile was the fact that they were already advertising the Torchwood series 3 DVD before any Torchwood had actually aired. Anyway I got the train to Clapham Junction, then got the bus to my work experience placement. I got off and headed towards the big gothic castle-house thingy (it is pretty awesome). I nervously stepped through the door and made my way into the actual office place. The manager John (who is crazy) was all crazy and wavey. Anyway I soon started on my actual work which was to design a logo, carrier bags, tags and shop front. The sheet said I had to do it for either David or Victoria Beckham but apparently I wasn't allowed to do them so I had to choose someone else. After quickly looking at a classic rock website I chose Bruce Springsteen. (they also use Macs there! I hadn't used a Mac in years. Our very first computer was a Mac but of course now IT HAS ALL CHANGED. Since it's all new and different from our old Mac. But it was easy getting used to.) The logo was a guitar but the body said Bruce... the body was made up of the letters of 'Bruce'. I might upload one day, but that would mean scanning stuff in. Over consequent days I designed the other stuff. and ate baguettes and drank tea. One thing I learnt there was that every other word the people seem to say there is either "fuck"/"fucking" or "shit". Usually "fucking". It's amusing. It's good there even if your wrist does kill after seven hours of using the mouse. and when I come home I get all confused because we have a PC at home and I have been using a Mac all day and try and press the wrong buttons. and go to the top corner to make everything smaller and it just doesn't work.

I should get a Mac emulator so I can play Scarab of Ra again. For purely nostalgic reasons. Although that game did really creep me out when I was younger. Especially when the mummies came when you got the Scarab (I didn't know how to defeat them then. I do now. Ha ha). Strange how a game with extremely basic black and white graphics can be creepy. Now I just remember all the creepy creepy sounds that our old Mac made when doing stuff. and the creepy voice that would talk to you if you wrote a text document and wanted it to play out loud. Also Dr Brain 3. That was fun and educational. There were also some other random eighties games that we had. Our Mac was second hand - originally one of my Aunts had it (who coincidentally lives in Clapham) hence all the crazy games (because of her kids). We also had some Disney games too: a Lion King one which was awesome, a Aladdin one which was even more awesome and a Toy Story one that was shit - there were no games on it. I swear it was one of those stupid demo CDs you get. The other two were cool though. (this just reminds me I haven't seen any Disney for a very long time. I would like to Wall E though. But that is Pixar). We also had Civilisation! 1 and 2! Except I usually played on 2 because 1 fucked up a lot. and 2 had better graphics. But now I have Age of Empires 2! That's the only computer game I still play on. I still have the Sims installed on here, but that's no fun, you can't create a huge army full of infantry and cavalry along with trebuchets and siege onagers and then go kill the enemy. It's fun killing people (in the game!). I usually have my army killed off as well so have to create a new one. But I don't use the cheats anymore.

Torchwood - I could tell you all about it but there is no point because those that wanted to see it have seen it and know everything and those that didn't want to see it couldn't care less. But Iantooooooo!! and it seems like they've pretty much wrapped up Torchwood - little chance for a fourth series. But maybe a possibility that Harkness will appear in Doctor Who? I don't know. I don't really keep up with Who news. (oh I just edited the Torchwood Wikipedia page! That's a first, never edited a page before (they had forgotten on the page that Jack also blamed himself for the death of Suzie, so I added that in).

Anyway, onto Saturday. This was Livvi's birthday party. For a present I got her Labyrinth (went after work experience on Thursday to get it) and a card. Labyrinth was ideal because she got obsessed with it after seeing it at my party. So at around six-ish I got to her house. First of all she opened her presents (mainly books and DVDs) and we sat around and chatted. Divya (as per usual) said some legendary things:

  • "Can you have sex with your clothes on?"
  • "Can you get pregnant with your clothes on?"
(No she wasn't joking). But we do love Divya. We also played some table tennis, with normal table tennis bats, books and spades (due to lack of bats). After a while Jess, Hannah and I left to have a Torchwood discussion, where we basically decided the ending was shit after the first four good episodes. and there was Ianto mourning. We're going to miss our gay bulldozer driving tea making Welshman. After eating crazy stuff (including smiley faces) we headed to Blockbusters where we spent ages (as per usual) deciding on a movie. Trouble is, we all have different tastes and Livvi's Blockbusters is tiny and hardly has any DVDs in it. Well compared to mine which is scary huge and has loads of scratched broken DVDs. We finally got out Nick & Norah's Infinite Playlist (only because Imogen really really wanted it), In Bruges and something else. We only ended up watching Nick & Norah's Infinite Playlist which I could stand but did find too indie and cutesy. I just don't really like romance movies in general - I find them a bit boring. Any other genre is alright, apart from maybe chick flicks. and I haven't seen much horror, only Alien, which wasn't scary at all. After this we tried watching In Bruges but no one was in the mood for it, so the classic "The Princess Bride" was put on. Which Livvi fucking adores. But now it has competition from Labyrinth! 80s kids movies wars! But she has a shiny new Princess Bride DVD which has shiny better quality. Which was awesome. At this point Jess tried to get to sleep and Zoe did get to sleep, and we chatted whilst Princess Bride played in the background. We did a quiz Imogen had made for Livvi, and then chatted about random shit, as teenage girls do. But we aren't normal teenage girls. We found out Livvi has a fetish for purple men dressed as oxen. and likes to be "plowed" by them. I can assure you, there were no drugs at this party. We did get to sleep in the end. In the morning we played more games and one of them was "most likely to" where someone says something and the other people have to decide who is most likely to do/have/etc that. So we decided Livvi probably also has a foot fetish. and according to Zoe, I would make a "fit aeroplane pilot". The Eight Ball was also asked questions. I managed to get home pretty quickly since the buses were there when I got to the bus stop (that happened on the way to Livvi's house as well. I just have psychic bus powers). Got home, managed to finish off some art so now I only have to do two paintings and then started to reread the sixth Harry Potter (for the third time) because the movie is coming out and I cannot remember what happens in the book. or any of the books for that matter. I get all angsty when it mentions dead Sirius though.

Also, I don't know if I should get my ears pierced again. I probably can't be bothered, I just want to be like all those crazy rock star people. I'm so deluded. Mum says I may regret them in the future, if I let them close up and get scarry ears. But multiple hoops in one ear would just be so pirateish. I want to have a pirate headband and wear pirate boots. Except the pirate look wouldn't suit me, I love my jeans. but argh, I am confused.

This has probably been one of the longest blogs I've written. time-wise. It's taken me about an hour. But there is Hannah's party next week to look forward to! and I am going to France soon! I need reading material. I have stuff from the library I haven't read yet, because I fail. I also need to see more movies. I've sort of lost my "to see" list in my head. So now I have two lists. "really want to see!" and "would quite like to see, but don't really mind". I haven't actually gathered much movies for either list.

(the spell check on this is very stupid. It says words don't exist but when I go to correct them they are exactly the same. silly).

I should go now, I desperately need sleep for more work experience at crazy graphic design place tomorrow. But do vote for what types of blog posts you like. It will affect this blog!

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