Monday 13 April 2009

I want to lie shipwrecked and comatose drinking fresh mango juice...

Well I have just seen the last ep of the new Red Dwarf series (I saw the later one as I was watching Jumanji earlier. Which was a good movie. Animatronics and puppetry ftw! Screw CGI!) and I think it picked up a bit in this episode. I didn't really like the last two; thought they were a bit shit to be honest. At least this episode got a couple of laughs from me. I am now watching the adverts on Dave (fucking wii animal crossing, who wants that boring game? (yes I know I own the DS version, but I never play on it. heck I don't really play on my DS at all any more)) waiting for old RD eps. Wait the ads are over! Yaaaay!

Also today I realised that only my Dad is going to be here for my birthday since my Mum and siblings are going off (omg Rimmer just did the horns. rock on) to somewhere for some holiday thing. So me and Dad are thinking of going to a Chinese restaurant (my fav!) and then watching a movie afterwards. Or maybe we will go to that Japanese restaurant with the CONVEYER BELT!! and then watch a movie. Except there aren't any movies I want to see that are on in the cinema. I want to see Blade Runner now, because they were talking about it on the Red Dwarf behind the scenes. I have also read the book (Do Anroids Dream Of Electric Sheep?) which is damn good. And I just like sci-fi/action in general.

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