Monday 8 June 2009

Blog Explosion

Again everyone seems to be posting blogs. A lot of them. Obviously it's my influence. ;)

Not much to say today apart from DT was hard (compared to mock) and I had a nosebleed this morning. It is weird because recently a couple of my friends have had nosebleeds, and I haven't had a nosebleed in literally years. Maybe there is a nosebleed virus going around. If they exist. Anyway DT sucked. At least I have a D though just due to coursework. Some of the questions weren't clear. They were like "draw a box for containing *items*". Oh, what type of drawing do you want? Plan view? Isometric? Exploded!? I ended up doing plan view but AQA should really phrase their questions better. Nyaaah. Geography tomorrow I am fairly confident about, some case studies I have revised so many times due to mocks etc they are permanently stuck in my head. Other newer case studies haven't. Which also sucks. It's mainly The Broads and Malham. I swear she didn't teach us Malham. Oh wait, she didn't teach us anything. Argh. I'll just ramble to myself from now on, you're bored.



Anonymous said...

i totally had a nose bleed this morning!
maybe we have like synchornised noses?

Sophia said...

...that is a creepy thought!