Thursday 25 June 2009

Look! I have a blogroll!

I was messing about in the layout section of my settings which I have never really been in before and noticed I could add a blogroll, which would make sense seeing as I sometimes talk about people's blogs here. Also Hannah has started updating again (oh yes now you can see it - link on the side!!) which is cool.

So today we went spork pirating. By "we" I mean Ellen, Hannah, Imogen, Livvi, Suga and myself. Ellen was the latest - being an hour and a half late. Suga and Imogen arrived early and I arrived on time. Hannah was a little late and then we spent ages waiting and decided to buy food. When we had got everyone we headed over to some gardens which are tucked away behind the buildings near the river. They have some gigantic statues of water nymphs and stuff. We ate the food (bread, houmous, taramasalata (for Imogen), guacamole, giant chocolate buttons, small pirate buttons (!)(It even had a poem on the side!!), crisps (Kettle Chips and Hula Hoops), gummy snakes, cherries, raspberries and brownie. I've probably forgotten something but they were the main ones. We ate and then played games at Imogen's request. Then Suga had to leave and we played more games and had story time, with Imogen reciting the first couple of pages of Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone from memory. Which reminded me I need to read the sixth book again before the movie comes out because all I can remember that happens in it is that *a certain person* dies. No spoilers here. We also met Arvin the squirrel, who came to investigate our picnic and tried to steal some crisps. A picture? Yes I think so.

There he is in all his fluffy glory.

In the evening I went to the art show at my school, where my work was displayed. I decided I like Rhena's work. She has good ideas. (There is a bird that keeps tweeting really loudly and I keep thinking it is inside the house when it (probably) isn't). I also started thinking to myself how much I regret not taking history, because I know little about the subjects that the course offers, and it would've been interesting to learn about them. I would've done it instead of DT Graphics, because, let's face it, that subject was a total waste of time. It also means that I would've been in a different geography class (good! no Mrs West!) or maybe a different art class (bad! We love Kilpatrick!). Oh well. I didn't take it because I disliked our teacher we had in year 7 and 9... and our year 8 one was awful. I do have a few good memories from year 8, one being me against quite a few friends arguing that David Tennant was NOT attractive, across the classroom, and of course, everyone disagreed with me. (I think I reminisce too much for my own good. I have been thinking about my primary school rather a lot recently; nostalgia has made me remember all the good parts and forget the bad... I also keep thinking about some weird dream that my old school appeared in. I have to think about something otherwise my mind strays into unknown scary territory). But there is the internet to learn history on! Good ol' Wikipedia (which is not always right due to silly people messing with the pages).

Oh also yesterday my blog was not well written, what I was trying to say is that I think I may have scared the new people slightly, being all quiet and emo and "defensive".

1 comment:

Lexi said...

I'm on your blogroll! Awesome! x