Tuesday 9 June 2009

It's blogging time!

because I'm bored, hungry and addicted to blogging at this moment in time. I blame it on exams. I just need to procrastinate as much as possible. I also think that I should make my blog posts longer. All my friends have long(ish) blog posts. I just post random stuff and have short blog posts. I ramble. a heck of a lot. Also today I was telling myself off for talking to myself. Seeing as talking to oneself is the first sign of madness, what does telling oneself off for talking to oneself signify? I mean, I knew I was already slightly crazy but... yeah.

Today I was reminiscing about our year 6 school trip to Osmington Bay, where we stayed for five days. I shared a room with Lily and had brought along a huge packet of mint and lamb crisps which very slowly got devoured over the course of the week, turning slightly soft near the end. I also remember Emily, Natalie and Fenella bringing along an Orlando Bloom poster just to stick on their door since they were all obsessed with him. Which just reminds me how obsessed with Lord Of The Rings our year was back then. Everyone was reading the books and everyone was seeing the movies. It was "cool" back then. Now it isn't because of certain Latin teachers who are completely obsessed with it and have an army of cardboard cutouts of various characters arranged in the classroom. Not to mention about five creepy Gollum dolls. Anyway, Lily and I told those three that they may be related to Orlando because of the whole Adam and Eve thing - everyone is descended from them (and they all get wiped out in a giant flood so therefore everyone is descended from Noah) - and they got really excited. Looking back it is quite an incestous thought. Anyway throughout the week we did various activities. There was a disco on the last night which I remember wasn't that great. But the view was pretty cool. There was the Isle of Portland in the distance. Being a geography student I can now correctly tell you that that Isle was connected to the mainland by a tombolo! (I like that word, should add it to my list of favourite words.) Some random memories I have include:
  • Molly throwing a basketball at my hand really hard during the basketball session and absolutely killing my finger, causing a gigantic bruise.
  • Liam and his pig ears (it was an Alice band with pig ears on)
  • Lily getting a mood necklace from her then 'boyfriend' Stephen...
  • Me then buying a mood necklace because I was fascinated by the colour changing-ness
  • Some of the boys going out when it was dark and they weren't allowed.
  • The 'entertainment' we had to do for the teachers each day... but only ended up doing twice.
  • "The blob" (an in-joke that won't be funny if I tell you - you had to be there)
Yeah... loads of stuff like that. I like reminiscing. It makes me feel sad and happy at the same time. I just want to go back to those LOTR obsessed days and not have to worry about GCSE exams and have all the time in the world to read those books. I never finished the third one! I read a third of it and then gave up and saw the movie. My parents had made a rule that I had to read the book to see the movie, so I read the first and second books and got to see those movies. My Dad took me to see the third one anyway, on one of the last days it was in the cinema. I should shut up about LOTR... it's not good to like it in our school. Anyway, Lily and I are finally planning to have our LOTR marathon soon.

I think that this is one of my few blog posts that is actually interesting. Maybe I should reminisce more. Like that time in year 5 when we were meant to go to the Isle Of Wight but never did and had an activity week instead. On the Friday we had a barbecue and got to sleep over at the school! Oh dear, I have gone into super reminisce mode. Better stop now before I type out my life story.

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