Saturday 13 June 2009

FFS Blockbuster.

I am only writing this blog because the Blade Runner disc has died. I have only got movies out of Blockbuster twice and they have both been scratched. It was doing good! Deviates quite a lot from the book but I was liking the bleak futuristic look. Also I have not seen a Harrison Ford movie since year 7 when Rosie and I were staying at the windmill and Temple of Doom was on... so we watched that. Rosie had a crush on Ford which I couldn't understand. Still can't.

Anyway, about today. Virginia, Dad and I all went to some place called "Toby Carvery" where we had a meal. The roast potatoes were really good. I also had the obligatory chocolate fudge cake. If I go into a pub and do not have the chocolate fudge cake as a pudding, you know there is something wrong with me (and ALL pubs serve that. I have not been to one where they haven't). I completely stuffed myself. After that Dad dropped me off so I could go to Emma's party in the park by the river. Since Emma is leaving and not coming back to sixth form, she invited the whole year. The whole year certainly didn't come and the number of people at the party kept fluctuating since people kept going away and coming back with more people. It was nice to hang out in the park and Emma was the only one who got drunk and eventually it got awkward and Livvi, Goldie, Isabel and I decided to leave seeing as most people had left by then. We met up with Divya, who was going to go to the party, but was about four hours late, and we all went to Starbucks. The Goldie left and we decided to be spontaneous and go to Wagamama's (mainly because I had never been there before). The way Divya uses chopsticks is hilarious. She speared the gyozas with the chopsticks... Isabel decided it would be a VERY good idea to get a knife and fork for Divya. Good thinking. Isabel and I also remembered the Mush Maleks... something we had in year 8 but neither of us can remember what the fuck they were, apart from we had an initiation ceremony for newcomers. We also compared Divya's taste in men (which is awful. Sorry Divs if you're reading this... but it is) to Isabel's and Livvi's. Not mine, because I don't really have any celebrity crushes. I'm the type of person who will watch a movie or music video whatever and think someone is attractive and then forget about them afterwards. Also it is rare for me to find someone attractive. But anyway, Divya has got this idea in her head that I want to rape somebody. She thought it was Bob Marley - to which everyone apart from Divs burst out laughing. I had trouble eating my chicken ramen. I think she meant Bowie, who I have never stated that I wanted to rape, this is all made up in Divya's head. Besides, I only like Jareth (this is due to not seeing much non-Jareth Bowie). We also tried to see if Livvi liked anyone under 30, but failed. Because she is an anti-pedophile. She likes old men. I have nothing against this but liking someone who is 79 is a bit odd.

Well the double meal today has made me very tired and very stuffed and tomorrow I will not want to eat anything. There is some thing at the church tomorrow that the parents will drag me along to. But it always means free Pimms! and I do like Pimms. As certain people know.

I have pretty much finished my flying wyvern painting, so I will upload tomorrow. I also am very much in the mood for reading, especially in the garden if it is a nice day. It isn't a great picture, I was more experimenting with watercolours since I haven't used them properly in ages. I was also experimenting with wyvern anatomy, but it was hard since it is a view from the top of it.

I think I am drunk from too much food which doesn't make any sense but it does to me. A lot of things only make sense to me. I cannot stand up straight and have to use the wall for support. Also tiredness is affecting me.

What a lovely long blog post. I wish I could blog this long more often.

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